Platelet-rich Plasma Therapy

Often called the ‘Vampire Facial,’ Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet-rich Fibrum (PRF) use a mixture from the patient’s blood to trigger healing, hence the vampire reference.

How PRP and PRF Work

The PRP and PRF mixtures include natural growth factors to increase the production of new skin cells, collagen, elastin, and blood vessels, resulting in firm, plump skin and reduced fine lines.

Target Areas and Benefits

This therapy is renowned for its rejuvenating effects on the face, resulting in firmer, smoother, and younger-looking skin.

As an injection, PRP & PRF stimulate hair growth.

These therapies are also used to treat scars and stretch marks.

Procedure and Recovery Information

Both can be used as an injection or with microneedling for skin rejuvenation.

For most, recovery time is minimal, and this treatment is safe for all skin types.

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation

Meet with Norah Clair Gourlay, a licensed Nurse Practitioner and Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist, to see how Kybella® may benefit you.

Norah is the leading neuromodulators, fillers, and microneedling provider at SkinSpirit in Georgetown.